The District plan was last made operative in December 2014, so the 10 years is up this year and funding and plans will need to be allocated in the LTP this year.
Yesterday we wrote to the Mayor, CEO and Elected Members / Councillors requesting a number of items as outlined in the document to the right. Click on the document to view the contents.
When the LTP submissions open up, we will need the assistance of the community to rally together to have these items implemented into the LTP.
Snowmass – Teitei 3 meter wide Accessway. A portion of the walkway was donated and vested by the developer of Snowmass at time of development. There was an understanding and agreement by then CE of RDC- David Hammond, to extend the walkway through to Teitei Drive / Carrot Park. The walk/cycle way has now been established for over 10 years and is well maintained and fenced. We ask that the remaining portion of the accessway be vested correctly as a local purpose reserve to ensure it is protected into the future.
6 Teitei Drive We would like to make a number of suggestions with regards to the land use of this block owned by Council now that Kainga Ora has walked away from the development agreement due to cost. Noting that the Council cannot afford to develop the land and any developer would shy away due to the known costs of $7.5m for an initial stage (with no guarantee of success). Please refer to Appendix 1 attached describing/showing the areas. An offer was made to Council by Mr and Mrs Frew to purchase the land and gift it back to Council as Reserve for Carrot Park use, I’m not sure if this is still on the table, but certainly something we are happy to look at from a crowd funding perspective to assist the Frew’s.
Rezone the entire allotment as Reserve
Rezone Field 1 as Reserve – expansion to Carrot Park Rezone Field 2 as Reserve – expansion to Sports facilities Rezone Field 3 as Rural & Sell this portion of land for farming due to good soil
Teitei Drive / SH49 Intersection It has come to our attention that when the new intersection was designed and constructed in 2017/2018 that the road when built encroached on Rockford / Carrot Park. We believe this road is therefore not legally formed for the correct width as a collector road and requires extensive reconstruction to make it such. We believe that by extending the park/reserve South (as suggested in point 2 above), the community would support council in vesting this road, thus avoiding large costs of moving the intersection to its correct legal location.
Engagement with Ohakune Ratepayers and Residents' Society Inc. (ORS) ORS would like to formally be informed, engaged and consulted on matters of importance to Ohakune. We request that polices such as Policy of Significance be updated to include ORS and other like bodies.
Policy of Significance We request that the Policy of Significance be updated to include notification and consultation for the sale or gifting of land or building assets valued in excess of $300,000