Our OIA request produced a lot of reports and information, one of those documents contained concerns from Ngāti Rangi on the housing project. We quote below some of these concerns
That they will create a future state housing concentration without adequate support.
Social services here are low/at capacity. Concerns on who will look after that.
Lot sizes, including that they may be too small, too dense, not common in the area, feels it raises red flags.
Concerns over these houses attracting the wrong type of people.
Size of houses, adjacent to wetland, social housing issues.
Concerns about people outside the area being moved into the area, which could result in causing anti-social issues, e.g. starting a gang war
Those apposed to this development that have raised these same concerns for some time and continue to be called NIMBY by some. However, the above statement backs our statement that this is not just about the lack of consultation, but that the design, intensity and concerns are valid and shared by many, including Ngāti Rangi.
The source of these statement can be found in the document here on page 18 & 19. The names are redacted for the privacy of the representative, but as per the attendees list on page 14, the only two redacted were from Ngāti Rangi.