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Writer's pictureBarry Murphy

Record turnout to a RDC meeting

Updated: Nov 17, 2023

With ~120 people turning up in person, and ~45 joining the zoom meeting, plus many more watching the stream; this has been the biggest public meeting in over a decade, or possibly ever!

However, it was very disappointing that 3 of 9 councillors turned up & only around 30 seats were available; after we advised them attendance would be high! The meeting didnt start on time because tables had to be hauled out and chairs hauled in, many attending (including elderly) had to carry their own chair into the room as evident in below Timelapse. The room wasn't big enough either, many were in the hallway outside, with some trying to attend and then leaving as there was no room.

I have painstakingly re-watched the entire council meeting and chaptered all the content with time stamps, so you can easily see questions and answers, see below. This video is broken up into two sections on Youtube.

14:07 - How many do you have on the waiting list for housing (There are only 12 officially on MSD). 14:47 - Mayor Weston says people are reluctant to officially register with MSD 15:40 - Barry Murphy clarifies 2 resource consents not one, also states RDC knew for 4 months before notifying public after CIP funding approved 16:50 - Clive admits consultation should have started earlier 17:17 - Is it legal for council to sell rate payer land without consultation. 17:50 - Lindsay asks about two issues, one being, how many businesses have not grown because of lack of housing, 3 raise their hands 18:27 - Cyprus tree states that they have 16 people at peak of winter, but can't find housing (this is seasonal workers housing). 19:32 - Fraser asks why existing stock isn't being used from houses for sale. (Answer is RDC couldn't get funding for buying, only to build new). 20:30 - So many empty houses for sale, so not taking out of existing stock. Clive explains that the funding is only for a specific purpose, not to buy houses, only build. 21:20 - Affordable housing Scheme, the standards are too high, but people have lived in them for years, and now we saying they unacceptable, there needs to be a rethink of buying or using existing stock to house people. (Note, KO will only buy/build triple glazing houses, double glazing is no longer acceptable standard). 23:09 - Clive states there will be no emergency housing at Teitei Drive 23:12 - Clive states for those that have read the contract (We have been asking for this for months!!!!) 23:19 - Weston states the workers accomodation will be supervised 24:02 - Clive states, that when building new houses, we need to ensure they efficient, existing stock will not meet carbon standards. 25:48 - Raynor requests for council to STOP, Cancel Contract, and RETHINK! Consult the community! (Everyone claps) 27:40 - Everyone claps, best thing said all night. 27:53 - We've heard enough from you Clive, sit down! 28:24 - Clive states, "Ohakune is fantastic", member of the public tells Clive he is going to ruin it and screw it up; everyone claps. 29:26 - Colin speaks on behalf of everyone, you admitted you didnt consult, "Have you seriously considered stopping and consulting on the process" 31:00 - Colins question wasn't answered, he is ignored after asking for an answer. Clive states he's been heckled. 31:40 - Clive totally accepts he didnt consult or talk about the proposal. 32:04 - Clive states if Council say no now, there will be no houses 32:22 - How many of you neighbours heard about this just in June, everyone raises their hand.

33:12 - Sonia says Family links with Ohakune for generations.... 36:17 - Everyone claps 36:30 - What are the odds of stage 2 ... Clive states absolutely no plans, told there are plans (resource consent shows it), but no money available (so when they get offered another carrot they will take it). 37:55 - All for public housing, my concern, has the council gone to government and considered the affects..... Health, education, transport, etc 41:25 - Chris who is directly affected property neighbouring Teitei drive. 43:46 - Richard asked when land was zoned residential. 44:10 - Local builder asks if development can be done for less thank $200k. 44:36 - Jenny asks if there will be any covenants on the land (Answer is no as then its not affordable) 45:48 - Barry is told by Rowan of Eves the builds were $1.4m not $2.1m as KO stated, so Council got to keep the money left over. 46:42 - Advised Moore street properties were $4000 a square meter and said they were 100sqm, so $400k per unit. Maths doesn't work out, considering 6 units, would work out to $2.4m 47:20 - Mary states houses in Wanaka had similar build of 40 units, in summer the houses are 40+ degrees. 49:20 - Bruce Rolleston, concerns about the Carrot Park traffic with the additional houses. 51:04 - There is 85 people he counted, more out the door, would be good to have a motion passed to at least halt this process. Community is everything. 51:50 - Weston declines having a motion, Bruce asks, when was the last time a meeting of this size has happened, you will be thrown out as a mayor. (Entire room claps) 52:34 - Colin takes issues at council about holiday home owners, ongoing impact this will cause, a legacy of disruption. I do ask you to stop, pause, reflect 54:12 - Weston says thank you we got you load and clear 54:15 - Resident from Turoa drive, lack of transparency, no consultation, being told we not local so dont count. If I was you I would put a stop to it and consult. 55:40 - Lived here for 50 years, married into a family who had lived here for 50 years before. Concerns around carrot park turn lane & traffic 56:23 - Fey, If agreement to change access way change, would that change your view. 57:11 - Its not just the access, it's the walkway, kids will have to cross 7 new driveways. 57:40 - How can my 10yr old walk to the park now they have to cross 7 driveways with the walkway being changed. 59:20 - Mayor Weston I have a responsibility to discuss with the 9 councillors at a special meeting, has to be voted on and he only has a casting vote. 01:01:10 - Barry suggests a post out to rate payers to allow rate payers to have a vote, Weston says no no, its elected members. 01:01:50 - Only 3 of 9 councillors at the meeting, he suggested councillors do not speak on their opinion on what they thought of this project. 01:02:20 - How many subdivisions are currently going ahead, had over 33 staff at one point over 36 years, 01:03:22 - We just saw the expertise of Rowan (sarcasm) with the council flats, who's going to manage it. 01:04:00 - What's the cost of an affordable house going to cost? 01:06:46 - Mayor Weston ... This project is subject to resource consent, the councillors are adamant this is going ahead 01:07:15 - 3 Councillors out of 9 have attended the meeting, how do they get this feeling of the room. How many will watch it. 01:07:55 - Owner for 18-20 years, we can't live there because there are no jobs, no consultation, KO a law onto their own, there are affordable houses now on the market. 01:15:26 - Peggy Frew has been trying to lower the speed limit, NZTA says they wont be coming back to at least 2027 01:15:50 - Developments in Auckland are so scattered with cars, they can't collect rubbish bins, the density and lack of parking is a terrible problem. 01:17:08 - Old building owners wont be able to bowl down old buildings and redeveloped, because government backed project in competition, they are all shovel ready with services. 01:17:50 - Fred advises there are old buildings in station road that are big sections that could be redeveloped. 01:19:25 - Barry advises Clive says Stage 2&3 aren't planned, but thats because no funding, you going to lose more than $5.4m in value from properties, as soon as someone offers money you will develop the other stages. 01:20:15 - Jason asked about the funding changing from Taumarunui 01:21:10 - What was the date or at least year Clive, Clive states he doesn't have it in his head. 01:21:57 - What would be the legal way to ask you to stop 01:22:25 - If "Social Housing" was removed from the proposal, who would still be against this. 01:23:07 - 95% of the people here are unhappy with the removal of the walkway. 01:23:28 - How can we trust the councillors we put there, they going "You voted for us and now we will do what we want". 01:24:21 - Barry states there is no workers accomodation plans, documents, rules and policies, not a single document is available. 01:26:08 - Bruce States, Significance policy was not triggered, who determined it wasn't triggered??? Audit New Zealand at the end of the year will see this 01:27:16 - I know (when I was there) Horizon regional council would trigger significant policy at $350k 01:28:18 - Barry advises the president of Horizons regional council looking at options to sell land to KO, council has never done this. 01:28:57 - Barry advises you are highest on your scale of significance, Clive CEO states he disagrees 01:29:06 - Nicky Riley Horizons Ruapehu regional councillor, challenges Clive on the policy of significance, work with everyone, this is not the way to do it (everyone claps) 01:32:41 - Clive states they at the beginning of the proposal, this is the beginning of the consultation process. 01:33:34 - Raynor says You did an amazing thing, you admitted you didnt consult. 01:34:35 - Rosetta has lived here most of her life, has employed people for 50 years, there are houses available here that can be used... 01:35:58 - Mayor Weston says this is not a council driven project 01:38:56 - What will the titles look like? 01:40:22 - When the zoning changes to residential, was there any objections? 01:41:35 - Ngāti Rangi was consulted with from the beginning, why wasn't the rest of the community been consulted with 01:41:44 - The zoning is medium density, not high density, so the small sections they are proposing dont match 01:42:14 - I'd like to thank the Mayor to consider going away and think of.... 01:42:57 - So if the council could bring the section density down? 01:43:48 - Would concil consider a redesign of the layout of the subdivision, Weston says I think that will be in the mix. 01:44:24 - Julia congratulations everyone for coming and talking from your hearts, maybe that zone needs to not be zoned Residential, it needs to come back to public consultation after the councillor 01:46:00 - A Representative for Ngāti Rangi speaks 01:49:00 - Ngāti Rangi says we all need to talk 01:50:48 - Ngāti Rangi says they have heard what we have to say 01:51:58 - Weston summarises, he's sure we will come to a compromise, that we would like to see a pause, layout change, etc. 01:53:10 - Viv (deputy mayor) states Ngāti Rangi didnt front this, it was Council. She says this is the initial stages, not the final.

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