We have sent a number of questions off to RDC & KO, we've had the following back so far
Copy of the Resource Consent files can be located on Dropbox Here
Copy of the CIP funding agreement signed off by ministers can be located here.
Copy of the RDC / Kāinga Ora Agreement signed 4th April 2023 can be located here.
See first public meeting 3rd August, driven by Kainga Ora
See first public meeting 31st August, held by Ruapehu District Council
Council have confirmed there are no policies or documents relating to the long term workers accomodation. We believe these long term workers properties (15) could fall into the hands of Kainga Ora as state houses. Like we've said before, we also believe the Affordable first home buyers properties will be too expensive compared to what's available on TradeMe, thus all 44 properties could become state houses.
On 31st August, Mayor Weston assured the public that we had been heard and a special meeting would be held, he repeated this statement a second time in summary at the end
Issues & Concerns we have
The existing walkway between Snowmass & Carrot Park will be diverted from its existing location, visitors will have to walk through the new subdivision crossing the path of 7 new driveways and low cost housing that may have anti social Kainga Ora tenants housed at the time.
During construction phase, this walkway would need to be closed, meaning people would have to walk a long distance next to a 70km/h state highway, where they would need to cross the road twice to use a walkway.
Additional traffic that is proposed to use the Carrot Park entrance (up to 157 houses with Stage 2/3). A suggestion that in the future they will link the subdivision to Ohakune-Raetihi Rd is wrong. There is a wetland over the postal road, huge costs would be involved in doing so & the public have already stated in the past they don't want a thorough fare shortcut going through the park, avoiding town.
The lack of consultation on land that is a rate payer asset, this goes against the Local Government Act (LGA) and RDC's policy of Significance. Kainga Ora and Council continue to say they have consulted, but they are unable to provide proof of any consultation on Teitei Drive.
RDC failing to meet its own Operative District Plan Policy RE2.2.2. The Snowmass subdivision are mostly properties of 500+ square meters, very high spec, strict covenants & high value. If a neighbour fails to comply with covenants, such as not mowing their lawn, or leaving rubbish or garden waste, they can be fined $500 per day.
There are about 8 double story properties in the Snowmass subdivision, the proposed plan by council and Kainga Ora, on the very small (300-450sqm) lots, is likely to be mostly double story, intensified.
Infrastructure, currently RDC has boil notices during peak times, subdivisions have been delayed due to storm/fresh water & sewer limitations, this has been ongoing for 3 years.
The conflict of interest of a senior consenting engineer, that owns property adjoining the new development, a reserve belt was added to seperate him from the subdivision.
The secrecy of the project; evidence shows that CEO Clive has been consulting on this development from at least 2 July 2021. Official Information Act requests were rejected in October 2021. A member of the public questioned council & Kainga Ora on 8th June 2023 about what was happening on the land while a site inspection was being done, The response from Ruapehu District Council Chief Executive Clive Manley and Manager - Community Engagement and Partnerships Renée Regal "was that they had no information to share and firm plans for the land were yet to be made" which was an absolute lie, as funding had been approved by Crown Infrastructure Partners (CIP)in March 2023 for the project
Council refuse to speak to rate payers directly, palming all questions (even those related to council matters) to Kainga Ora. Majority of questions since the public Zoom meeting on 3rd August are being treated as Official Information Acts to slow down the release of information.
The multiple flaws in the resource consent application, pointed out by planners, surveyors and those that know, and have built, next door. One, small example, the resource consent says that houses are "anticipated" to have 2 parking spots on each lot, there is a requirement that each lot have at least 2 parking spaces as per the District Plan.
The design flaw for the stormwater of the new subdivision; council & KO refuse to have a meeting with our professional to learn about the issues. The proposal (refer Isthmus Road’s X-Sections) don’t show any services, the result is that the swale does not have a 1:5 slope but rather slopes of 1:0.6/1.0/1.4 for the 2.5m/3.0m/3.5m berms. This is serious omission and demonstrates the incompetency of those involved as to providing correct information in the RC Application. This would mean deep swales and the requirement of a bridge over each swale to access each lot.
Not a safe environment for cyclists eg. steep swale adjacent to road and no cycle lane for narrow carriageway
The "Green Spaces" for kids to play, being swales and streams, not actual play spaces.
No street parking available on all roads unless reduce carriageways to one moving lane, proposal shows 2 moving lanes.
The intensification of the area, 300sqm - 450sqm lots; for a small town like Ohakune.
Costs for maintenance of the swales, likely to be a cost to rate payers as the rates take from the new lots unlikely to cover maintenance costs.
The subterranean rocks beneath the surface, that were hit by Snowmass developer, increasing costs substantially.
Additional crime for the area, but also to the Carrot Park. Low cost housing certainly adds crime, placing them all in one intensified spot has proven to cause more harm than good.
What additional policing & surveillance, if any will be provided to the area; over 60% of rate payers houses are empty some times of the year.
Only 12 individuals or famalies are on the waiting list for housing in Ohakune, does this mean people will be relocated into Ohakune, with no support network.
No medical services, no GP, no mental health, no woman's refuge, no transport to the destinations that have it.
Cost of living is higher in Ohakune, petrol, electricity, RATES, food shopping, etc.
Most jobs are seasonal due to tourism or crop picking, how is this creating jobs, rather than welfare dependency.
Also see "What we are doing" and "Latest Updates"
Confirmation that only 12 are on the waiting list for Ohakune